Welcome to Brazilets!...the blog

BRAZILETS (Brazilian wish bracelets) are a global circle of good will from Brazil!
While granting individual wishes worldwide, Brazilets donates money back to protect the Amazon in Brazil, where they come from! order online at the Brazilets website

Feb 25, 2009


SAM RONSON (Lindsay Lohan's partner) Spinning at an after party for the OSCARS. Red Brazilet on her table.

Feb 22, 2009

Camille Belle wearing Brazilets

Camille Belle, Brazilian-American, is suddenly everywhere..and everywhere she is, she's wearing a Brazilet! She was in 10.000BC, When a Stranger calls, she's the face of Vera Wang's new scent "Princess", and she's starring in the new thriller "Push". check out more photos from GQs shoot here.

Feb 2, 2009

Brooklyn Decker at Super Bowl '09

Swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker kisses a light pink Brazilet

WISHES... we love hearing about your wishes coming true...keep posting them in the comment sections!

"I wish for the war to end and for world peace to begin" - Laura
"I thought I must have tied the bracelet on wrong when it fell off so soon, but my wish to get pregnant came true that FIRST month!" -Kerry, Boulder
"I wish I could make it on Broadway"
- Stephanie, Miami